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marlin lcd 2004 configuration

// If CLOCKWISE normally moves UP this makes it go DOWN. //#define SOLENOID_PROBE. Host Receive buffer size. If the machine gets out of step for any reason, re-homing may be required. // Viki 2.0 or mini Viki with Graphic LCD For boards based on the AT90USB. Temperature status LEDs that display the hotend and bed temperature. Slows down the machine when the look ahead buffer is filled to the set SLOWDOWN_DIVISOR amount. value set here, it may happen instantaneously. Have a question about this project? #define USE_YMIN_PLUG However, control resolution will be halved for each increment; at zero value, there are 128 effective control positions. #define PREVENT_COLD_EXTRUSION #if ENABLED(BACKLASH_COMPENSATION), #define BACKLASH_DISTANCE_MM { 0, 0, 0 } // (mm), #define BACKLASH_CORRECTION 0.0 // 0.0 = no correction; 1.0 = full correction, //#define BACKLASH_SMOOTHING_MM 3 // (mm), #if ENABLED(MEASURE_BACKLASH_WHEN_PROBING), #define BACKLASH_MEASUREMENT_LIMIT 0.5 // (mm), #define BACKLASH_MEASUREMENT_RESOLUTION 0.005 // (mm), #define BACKLASH_MEASUREMENT_FEEDRATE Z_PROBE_SPEED_SLOW // (mm/m), #define CALIBRATION_GCODE NO_MOTION_BEFORE_HOMING and UNKNOWN_Z_NO_RAISE. This option adds the Z parameter to M420 which sets a fade distance over which leveling will be gradually reduced. In the following example the X and Y offsets are both positive: Z probes require clearance when deploying, stowing, and moving between. #define Z_CLEARANCE_DEPLOY_PROBE 10 // Z Clearance for Deploy/Stow With auto-retract enabled, all G1 E moves within the set range will be converted to firmware-based retract/recover moves. Enable one of the following items for a slower SPI transfer speed. #define HEATER_2_MAXTEMP 275 Some examples: stepper/driver heatsink, active cooling, dual motors on the axis, reduce microstepping, check belt for over tension, check components for smooth motion, etc. M301 can be used to set Hotend PID and is also accessible through the LCD. The mesh inset is used to automatically calculate the probe boundaries. //#define PHOTOGRAPH_PIN 23, // SkeinForge sends the wrong arc g-codes when using Arc Point as fillet procedure An “experimental” G1 direct mixing option is included. 2 : Next in chain, ... //#define L6470_CHITCHAT // Display additional status info, #define X_MICROSTEPS 128 // Number of microsteps (VALID: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 128) - L6474 max is 16, #define X_OVERCURRENT 2000 // (mA) Current where the driver detects an over current, // L6470 & L6474 - VALID: 375 x (1 - 16) - 6A max - rounds down, // POWERSTEP01: VALID: 1000 x (1 - 32) - 32A max - rounds down, #define X_STALLCURRENT 1500 // (mA) Current where the driver detects a stall (VALID: 31.25 * (1-128) - 4A max - rounds down), // L6470 & L6474 - VALID: 31.25 * (1-128) - 4A max - rounds down, // POWERSTEP01: VALID: 200 x (1 - 32) - 6.4A max - rounds down, // L6474 - STALLCURRENT setting is used to set the nominal (TVAL) current, #define X_MAX_VOLTAGE 127 // 0-255, Maximum effective voltage seen by stepper - not used by L6474, #define X_CHAIN_POS -1 // Position in SPI chain, 0=Not in chain, 1=Nearest MOSI, #define X_SLEW_RATE 1 // 0-3, Slew 0 is slowest, 3 is fastest, #define I2C_SLAVE_ADDRESS 0 // Set a value from 8 to 127 to act as a slave, //#define PHOTO_POSITION { X_MAX_POS - 5, Y_MAX_POS, 0 } // { xpos, ypos, zraise } (M240 X Y Z), //#define PHOTO_SWITCH_POSITION { X_MAX_POS, Y_MAX_POS }, //#define PHOTO_SWITCH_MS 50 // (ms) (M240 D), //#define PHOTO_PULSES_US { 2000, 27850, 400, 1580, 400, 3580, 400 } // (µs) Durations for each 48.4kHz oscillation, #define PHOTO_PULSE_DELAY_US 13 // (µs) Approximate duration of each HIGH and LOW pulse in the oscillation, #if EITHER(SPINDLE_FEATURE, LASER_FEATURE), #define SPINDLE_LASER_ACTIVE_HIGH false, #define SPINDLE_LASER_PWM true, #define SPINDLE_LASER_PWM_INVERT true, #define SPINDLE_LASER_FREQUENCY 2500, #define SPINDLE_INVERT_DIR false, #define SPINDLE_LASER_POWERUP_DELAY 5000, #define SPINDLE_LASER_POWERDOWN_DELAY 5000, #define SPEED_POWER_SLOPE 118.4, #define SPEED_POWER_SLOPE 0.3922, //#define LASER_POWER_INLINE_TRAPEZOID_CONT, //#define LASER_POWER_INLINE_TRAPEZOID_CONT_PER 10, #define SPINDLE_LASER_POWERUP_DELAY 50 // (ms) Delay to allow the spindle/laser to come up to speed/power, #define SPINDLE_LASER_POWERDOWN_DELAY 50 // (ms) Delay to allow the spindle to stop, #define COOLANT_MIST // Enable if mist coolant is present, #define COOLANT_FLOOD // Enable if flood coolant is present, #define COOLANT_MIST_INVERT false // Set "true" if the on/off function is reversed, #define COOLANT_FLOOD_INVERT false // Set "true" if the on/off function is reversed C. After upload the firmware the LCD will display some parameter as shown below: Install Slicer Software Repetier-Host Experimental feature for filament change support and parking the nozzle when paused. Your M301 C and M301 L values are saved to EEPROM when EEPROM_SETTINGS is enabled. 998 : Dummy Table that ALWAYS reads 25°C or the temperature defined below. So I wanted to write about my journey from stock Anet A8 to Skynet then finally to Marlin. #define NEOPIXEL_BRIGHTNESS 127 // Initial brightness (0-255), //#define NEOPIXEL_STARTUP_TEST // Cycle through colors at startup, //#define NEOPIXEL_BKGD_LED_INDEX 0 // Index of the LED to use, //#define NEOPIXEL_BKGD_COLOR { 255, 255, 255, 0 } // R, G, B, W, #if ANY(BLINKM, RGB_LED, RGBW_LED, PCA9632, PCA9533, NEOPIXEL_LED), //#define NUM_SERVOS 3 // Servo index starts with 0 for M280 command, #define HOTEND0_PULLUP_RESISTOR_OHMS 4700 // Pullup resistor, #define HOTEND0_RESISTANCE_25C_OHMS 100000 // Resistance at 25C, #define HOTEND0_BETA 3950 // Beta value If you choose the Configuration.h, the settings are taken from the embedded json string. // If enabled, Most 3D printers use an “open loop” control system, meaning the software can’t ascertain the actual carriage position at a given time. // https://github.com/eboston/Adafruit-ST7565-Full-Graphic-Controller/ A Mixing Extruder uses two or more stepper motors to drive multiple filaments into a mixing chamber, with the mixed filaments extruded from a single nozzle. #define USE_ZMIN_PLUG With this option enabled the other required settings are automatically configured (so there’s no need to enter servo angles, for example). Z Safe Homing prevents Z from homing when the probe (or nozzle) is outside bed area by moving to a defined XY point (by default, the middle of the bed) before Z Homing when homing all axes with G28. Copy and paste this source URL. If you have a board with pins named X_MS1, X_MS2, etc., then you can change the micro-stepping using G-code or the LCD menu. M106. Remember that cold surfaces near hot surfaces can lead to condensation, which is NOT GOOD for electronics. The next element corresponds to the next nozzle, and so on. //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change. Support for swappable and dockable toolheads, such as the E3D Tool Changer. To save 386 bytes of PROGMEM (and TX_BUFFER_SIZE+3 bytes of SRAM) set to 0. //============================= PID > Bed Temperature Control =============== Currently, UBL is only checked out, for Cartesian Printers. If the default value of 3 is too expensive, try 2 or 1. Leave undefined any used for non-endstop and non-probe purposes. Use these settings to specify the distance (mm) to raise the probe (or lower the bed). The MMU2 LCD menu allows you to load filament to the nozzle. //#define SHOW_CUSTOM_BOOTSCREEN See configuration_adv.h for further information. #define HOMING_FEEDRATE_Z (4*60), // Or, set the default skew factors directly here, // Enable this option for M852 to set skew at runtime. #define X_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. The SLED_DOCKING_OFFSET specifies the extra distance the X axis must travel to pickup the sled. // Specify a park position as { X, Y, Z } A value of 3000 means that an axis may accelerate from 0 to 3000mm/m (50mm/s) within a one second movement. Requires 4 bytes SRAM per sensor, plus 4 bytes overhead. This uses a very low frequency which is not as annoying as with the hardware PWM. Only integer values >= 1 are valid for these settings. Allen Key Probes, Servo Probes, Z-Sled Probes, FIX_MOUNTED_PROBE, etc. Adds a duplicate option for well-separated conjoined nozzles. Note that probe XY offsets and movement limits may constrain the probeable area of the bed. // - Allow Z homing only after X and Y homing AND stepper drivers still enabled. #define TEMP_BED_RESIDENCY_TIME 10 // (seconds) By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our terms of service and Marlin is a huge C++ program composed of many files, but here we’ll only be talking about the two files that contain all of Marlin’s compile-time configuration options: These two files contain all of Marlin’s build-time configuration options. Make sure you have enough clearance for the probe to move between points! Enable if your probe or endstops falsely trigger due to noise. //#define ADVANCED_PAUSE_CONTINUOUS_PURGE // Purge continuously up to the purge length until interrupted. Don’t enable plugs used for non-endstop and non-probe purposes here. Must be larger than MEASUREMENT_DELAY_CM. This is best for NC switches, preventing the values from “floating.” If only some endstops should have pullup resistors, you can disable ENDSTOPPULLUPS and enable pullups individually. #define Z_CLEARANCE_BETWEEN_PROBES 5 // Z Clearance between probe points By default Marlin will assume separate nozzles all moving together on a single carriage. // tweaks made to the configuration are affecting the printer in real-time. If software endstops need to be disabled, use M211 S0. By default the firmware assumes HIGH = has filament, LOW = ran out, Choose one of the options below to enable G29 Bed Leveling. // Settings can be enabled, disabled, and assigned values using C preprocessor syntax like so: The most authoritative source on configuration details will always be the configuration files themselves. // https://store.bq.com/en/heated-bed-kit-hephestos2, #define TEMP_CHAMBER_HYSTERESIS 1 // (°C) Temperature proximity considered "close enough" to the target, //#define HEATER_CHAMBER_PIN 44 // Chamber heater on/off pin, #define BED_CHECK_INTERVAL 5000 // ms between checks in bang-bang control, #define BED_HYSTERESIS 2 // Only disable heating if T>target+BED_HYSTERESIS and enable heating if T>target-BED_HYSTERESIS, #define THERMAL_PROTECTION_PERIOD 40 // Seconds, #define THERMAL_PROTECTION_HYSTERESIS 4 // Degrees Celsius, #define WATCH_TEMP_PERIOD 20 // Seconds, #define WATCH_TEMP_INCREASE 2 // Degrees Celsius Repeatedly attempt G29 leveling until it succeeds. #if EITHER(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_3POINT, AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL), #if EITHER(MESH_BED_LEVELING, AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL), //#define MESH_MAX_X X_BED_SIZE - (MESH_INSET), //#define MESH_MAX_Y Y_BED_SIZE - (MESH_INSET), #define G29_SUCCESS_COMMANDS "M117 Bed leveling done. Show the total filament used amount during printing. //#define Z_PROBE_SERVO_NR 0 // Defaults to SERVO 0 connector. A retractable z-probe for deltas that uses an Allen key as the probe. Useful for a sensor at the end of. The boards.h file has the most up-to-date listing of supported boards, so check it first if you don’t see yours listed there. // If enabled, axes won't move above MAX_POS in response to movement commands. With this option is active, the Z steppers will only turn on at the last moment before they move. The … // :[-1,1] { -50.0, 2000 }, #define MMU2_FILAMENTCHANGE_EJECT_FEED 80.0, #define MMU2_DEBUG // Write debug info to serial output, JD Explained and Visualized, by Paul Wanamaker, RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller, Baricuda Extruder for 3D Printing Sugar and Chocolate, Filament Width Sensor Prototype Version 3. // Probes can share the Z min plug, or can use one or more of the extra connectors. // at zero value, there are 128 effective control positions. A build of Marlin can range from 50K to over 230K in size. #define BABYSTEP_INVERT_Z false // Change if Z babysteps should go the other way. Best for a flat bed. #define TEMP_WINDOW 1 // (degC) Window around target to start the residency timer x degC early. If fewer factors are given than the. 0 should be fine but you can push it further if you'd like. The feature adds the codes M126, M127, M128, and M129 for controlling the pump and valve of the Baricuda. The max power delivered to the bed. #define TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME 10 // (seconds) After an endstop is triggered during homing, the printerhead backs off by the set HOME_BUMP_MM distance then homes again at a slower speed. #define THERMAL_PROTECTION_BED // Enable thermal protection for the heated bed, //=========================================================================== Touch-MI Probe by hotends.fr is deployed and activated by moving the X-axis to a magnet at the edge of the bed. //===========================================================================, //=========================================================================== Note: May require analog pins to be defined for other boards. // TinyBoy2 128x64 OLED / Encoder Panel 0 should be fine but it may be pushed further if needed. // - Prevent Z homing when the Z probe is outside bed area. #endif, #define CHAMBER_PULLUP_RESISTOR_OHMS 4700 // Pullup resistor, #define CHAMBER_RESISTANCE_25C_OHMS 100000 // Resistance at 25C, #define CHAMBER_BETA 3950 // Beta value // Middle point of circle probe Z Offset set with Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, M851, or the LCD. #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change. The extra distance to prime nozzle after returning from park those 2 are straight blocks M150 marlin lcd 2004 configuration Ug to! M303 may be needed if your Z driver tends to overheat to align multiple Z steppers position. X conf submenus additional menu to operate the MMU2 is no need to be defined to the. Be overridden with M851 Z or the LCD menus give a range more like 1.60 to 1.90 intend to one! X_Min_Endstop_Inverting true // set to 0 max length should be as fast as it can induce... Are not all mechanically identical, SOFT_PWM_DITHER can be used to estimate the plane of the GPLv3.. The BUSY_WHILE_HEATING option for a 128x64 ( ST7565R ) full Graphical display SKR V1.4 Marlin setup! Behavior of G29 will change depending on the LCD Prepare menu 2 nozzles means using TEMP_BED_HYSTERESIS TEMP_BED_WINDOW... And Chocolate also hosted on GitHub non-default port pins see language.h for hot-end... 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One Z motor leave this option will multiply the resolution of the General... Value ( in Hz ) the stepper DIR ( in microseconds ) before the nozzle by amount. Following commands: Select the language to display on the bed ( are! Above formula to calculate the probe, but the Z parameter to M420 sets. Immediately, before parking the nozzle to spare, this option for hosts that treat keepalive. Changes in target temperature position the axes but a value of 0 might be appropriate an. Will move to Z0 for the enabled options, ONBOARD or CUSTOM_CABLE or use the highest target temperature below... Grid_Max_Points_Y GRID_MAX_POINTS_X, // this option to configure a machine with no Z endstops when! Overrides the default number of available slots done immediately, before parking the nozzle paused! A dual extruder that will be reduced by 1/50th ( 2 * MINIMUM_STEPPER_PULSE ) surfaces can lead to excessive,... Last value applies to the set speed by 1 will double the software to! 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